how to know technique of the sew quality
how to know technique of the sew quality

One of the clothes that many teenagers have is a distro shirt because it has a very attractive and unique design. It’s not uncommon if the clothing store controls these clothes at a price that is quite high when compared to other types of clothing, this is due to the quality of the stitches and also a very attractive design. Can you see how good is the quality stitches are so that you don’t choose the wrong clothes at the clothing store? How?

Here it is the technique to determine a good quality of sewing for the convection distro shirt in Bandung.

One of the most important in determining the quality of the distribution shirt is the quality of sewing because this can affect the durability of cool shirts. Here are a few techniques to see the quality of a shirt distribution:

  1. Look at the stitches in the wangki and bottom
    The technique to pay attention to the quality of distro shirt stitches is to pay attention to sewing in the wangki and also the bottom of the shirt, if the good stitch is to have a gap that is parallel and equal between stitches, the stitching has high quality and if the gap between stitches is more tight then the quality of stitches sold the clothes shop is getting better.
  2. Seeing there is a thread left in the stitch
    One of the things that determines the good quality of sewing is the absence of residual thread at the end of the stitch, if the cool shirt that you see still leaves the rest of the thread at the end of the stitch, this shirt has poor quality stitches. The remnants of the thread at the end of the seam can cause damage to the stitches because the thread is able to come out freely.
  3. Look at the stitches on the distro shirt connection
    Cheap shirts have connectors on the arms and body parts. You can see the quality of the stitches in this section, that is, if the connection stitches form a line that is the shape (+), then you can say the stitches are very parallel and the quality is good.
  4. Pay attention to the size of the shirt connection
    If the size of the shirt connection becomes smaller, it can be ascertained that the shirt stitch has good quality.
  5. Assess the neatness of obras stitches
    If the stitching is more tight and neat, it can be ensured that the stitches have good quality.
    This is information about how to find out the quality of the stitching so you.

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